Aftermath: Origins

  • Aftermath: The Forgotten City
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May 9, 2024

She was all alone in the deserted streets of an abandoned city.


That was until he came. His name was Jak, a traveler and local professor who was wandering the long-forgotten streets of the city when he stumbled across her. She was crying in front of a broken store waiting for her mother to return.


As Jak saw her he then rushed over to her, he would then ask her.


Jak would say to her “ Excuse me. Are you okay? Where are your parents?”


The young girl said through the tears. “She left… Please, I don’t know what to do or where to go!”


Jak now more determined would say to her in a calm voice. ‘Okay, what is your name, little miss? I’ll help you find her.”


Her name was Anna, she had been on her own for two days now trying to find her mother.
The two would set off that day forward together to find the little girl’s mother.


Yet on this day while the cold air set in Jak would begin to notice her cough.


Jak walking with Anna down a street would ask. “Hey, I noticed you coughing. May I check your temperature real quick?”


Jak under his breath “Oh you’re running a fever…”


Jak now speaks to Anna “Oh it’s nothing to worry about, just a little hot… We should find a place to camp out for the night, it looks like you can use a break from all this walking.”


Anna a little mad protests “I can walk just fine, I am super strong!”


Jak trying to calm her “Hey now, with these old bones of mine I could use a good rest now and then. Hey, maybe someday I’ll grow up to be big and strong like you.”


As the two share a fun laugh they get settled in for the night in a park area, while the two set up their sleeping bags Jak would get an idea. One to cheer up the young girl.


He pulls out a sewing kit from his jacket pocket and begins to use it on a pair of socks from his bag.
As Anna would look in wonder.
Jak looking excited began to call over Anna.


Jak under a piece of cardboard he set up, would then begin his show.


Jak now speaks. “Introducing the Puppet King, Oh no where are my pants, this is a nightmare!”


The two had fun, laughing and playing until it was time for bed, but as Anna slept Jak was still up worried for her. As he thought he knew if the fever did not get better soon, he would need to get medicine.


Jak woke to the sound of coughing from Anna.


Anna, looking a bit sick, would say “Hey, good morning! I made you breakfast, it’s a chocolate bar!”
Anna, looking a bit worried, would say “Are you okay…?”


Jak startled would say “Oh, no need to freak out. We just need to find you some medicine.”


The two would begin packing their bags and set off back in the city to look for a store with medicine.


As they walked on the rocky sidewalk she would almost trip on a rock.


Jak looking a bit worried would say “Hey there how about a ride on this old man’s back, this taxi service is free after all.”

Anna looked confused but stern “I can walk just fine. I love walking.”


Jak looking concerned would say “Okay, Anna.”


As the two walked down the streets they would soon find an abandoned store with the words “Pharmacy” written on the sign, with the “P” slowly falling off.


Jak walking with Anna to the store gets a fun idea to cheer her up.

“Hey, I wrote a song for you!” He said.


And so Jak would start to sing out of tune and make up words at the top of his head while walking to the door.


Anna, having such a bright smile on her face, would say “Your songs are so funny, Jak.”


Jak reaches for the door, opening it with great effort. “Phew, someone really needs to fix these doors.”


Jak now sternly tells Anna “Okay, I am going to search for some medicine for you, I want you to go look for a nice book to read while we wait. I know how boring shopping can be sometimes.”


As Jak searched for the medicine, he was so happy to find the cabinets saying “medicine”, however all that was left were get well soon cards.


Jak looking a little sad would say “Maybe there are some left behind the count-”


Jak would hear a scream coming from the book section, and he would dash over to the spot as fast as he could.


Jak now over to the books would scream “ANNA! ARE YOU HERE?”


He would find her under a table hiding.


Jak now scared, trying to act as brave as he could, would say “Anna, Anna, I’m here now… there’s no need to panic.”


Anna in tears would try to say “Mo- mo- monster…”


Jak now looking as white as snow would turn to the direction she was pointing to slowly trying not to panic.


Jak with the last bit of bravery and strength, would tell Anna “It’s going to be okay. I am going to deal with the bad monster.”


As Jak would explore the counter where she saw the monster, his heartbeat would be racing like the drums of war.


As he stumbled behind the counter ready for the fight for his life and to protect Anna, he heard something from behind. He lets out a scream.

Only to find medicine dropped from a cabinet.

With the biggest sigh of relief, he grabs the medicine and rushes back to Anna.


Jak, looking tired but happy, tells her “Anna! I found the medicine! And the monster is gone. Now you’re going to be okay!”


As he gives her the medicine the two hug, knowing that everything is going to be okay.



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