Fretta, The Girl Hurrying To Grow

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May 8, 2024

As a girl who was too much in a hurry, even from birth she was always in a rush.


Fretta wanted to grow bigger, to be a bigger girl. But she wasn’t satisfied. Which shows that she wants more and more.


“You are not big enough.” The voices in Fretta’s mind said. “You need to grow even bigger.” They continued.


And from that day on, she was always in a rush, always hurrying, always wanting time to go faster.


Many years later, she started middle school. The children and teachers always talked non-stop about how amazing it is to grow up. And in Fretta’s mind, the voices spoke once more.


“Yes, they’re right. Become a teenager.” One of them said. “I agree with him. You need to grow bigger.” Replied the second one.


Many years later when she was a teenager, she enrolled in a high school.


She then heard the other children talking about the joys of being more grown up.


Of something called a “job” and the “money” that came along with it. Not to mention something called “college”.


She thought that once she was a teenager she would be finally happy. But she never was. She thought “Well, maybe when I’ll be bigger, an adult, then I will be happy.”


Then came her graduation. While there were many congratulations, she was still not happy. Even though her 18th birthday came, she was not happy. Even though she would soon have to go to college to get a job, she was not happy.


Fretta then thought to herself “Surely, when I get a job… I will be happy.”


She then studied at her college. Studied and studied, to be a doctor.


But even at college, she was not happy…


The remaining fragments of her voices said “You need to finish the PhD.” Said the first one. The other fragment then said “I agree. You need to finish the job.”


Then Fretta thought to herself “Surely… when I finish college, I will be happy.”


After she finished her PhD she got a job as a doctor. She was still not happy.


She worked and worked, but she was even less happy. Not only was she less happy, but she was now exhausted from all the work.


She hated being a doctor. She only chose it because it was the most popular profession.


But was it the right choice? She thought to herself. She started regretting her career path.


She then thought to herself “Surely, when I retire… I will be happy.”


The day of her retirement came. But even then, she was not happy. She had nothing to do! No activities, no fun… you get what I mean.


She then started to regret not enjoying life more. But what could she do…?


Nothing. She was too old to even move…


“I regret not enjoying life.” She thought out loud. “I wish I could turn back time… but I don’t deserve a second chance at life. I wasted it.” She continued


Time skip to her last moments on her deathbed


“Maybe, just maybe… no… it’s not even worth thinking about…” She thought to herself. Her heart beating slower and slower… “I can’t do anything now… these are my last moments…” She continued to think.


She then thanked her long-forgotten family and begged for forgiveness from any deity that might listen.


And then… the heart monitor displayed a flat line.


But… she found herself in a room. With a man… or rather… someone faceless. She couldn’t tell who this faceless person was, but she felt a warm feeling from him.


“I am The Narrator.” I said to Fretta.


Fretta was not only shocked to see someone faceless, but also someone faceless who could talk said “T-The Narrator? Who are you? And how can you-“


I interrupted Fretta and said “Be faceless and talk? Yeah, I get that a lot.”


I continued… “Listen, Fretta. Remember when you asked for forgiveness to any deity that might listen? Well, I’m that ‘deity’ in this universe, and I’m here to give you a second chance. A chance to live your life again and enjoy it. You’re not forced to take it, you’ll lose all of your memories, and only remember something called ‘Deja Vu.’”


Fretta said, with a shocked face to me “Why are you doing this for me?”


I responded “Because I am the owner of this universe. And I want to help you. But if you accept my offer, know this: the other universe I am going to send you to if you accept this offer… doesn’t have the nicest owner.”


Fretta asked, “What do you mean?”


I responded once more “He won’t give you a second chance, and there is a high likelihood that he will punish you if you repeat the same mistakes.”

I continue “So, Fretta. Will you accept my offer, and live again? There will be hints and I will help you with all my power. But the rest is up to you.”


Fretta responded with a “Yes…”


The saddest yes I heard in centuries.


“Then let us go.” I said to Fretta, in a calm and reassuring tone.


Then we went through a door, and only Fretta was able to go to the other side.


I reassured Fretta once more. “You will be fine! Don’t worry about it! I believe in you!” I shouted from a distance.


Then she went through the door, to start her second chance at life.


I will be wishing her the best of luck.

The End

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